La Paz, Bolivia, has limited venues for safe entertainment, despite having 2.3 million people. A new event developed by bartender Sebastian Aliaga Vargas, presidente de la Asociación Boliviana de Bartenders, at the Hotel Europa penthouse bar, called the Euro Lounge, and is attempting to bring tropical mixed drinks to the top of the Andes. The bar itself on the twelfth floor of the hotel is a great spot for having a drink while taking in the night scenery of La Paz, but they are only open at 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. The promotion of tropical drinks by Sebastian comes from his hobby of hand making and painting Tikihead drinking cups. One has to give him a high score for variety and effort. The Tikiheads glasses run a variety of styles, including an all gray Moai head from Rapa Nui, and a scowling green on representing the Hulk.

The drinks come in at 35 Bolivianos, and were reasonably prepared, at least for the Mai Tai and the Blue Hawaiian. Other drinks include Hoku hoku, Akua pepper Jamaica, Aloha coconut, and ginger Waikiki. If this event takes off, they are talking about repeating it on a monthly basis; schedules can be found at Hotel Europa’s website. La Paz can certainly use a more international metropolitan touch, so let’s wish Sebastian good luck in promoting cocktail variety in Bolivia.

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