Peruvian Pisco Sour Jello Shots for New Years Eve parties – Mini Pisco Sour Peruano hecho con gelatina ideal para la fiesta de Año Nuevo
This popular party treat is recreated with a Peruvian twist to make a Jello shot that appears and tastes like Pisco Sour, the national drink of Peru. Pisco Sour consists of Peruvian Pisco, lime, egg white, with a drop of bitters. The drink is typically served in a high-ball glass and has a frothy white top from the egg white. To make the Pisco Sour Jello Shots we used the small plastic cups commonly for serving this gelatinous novelty, and combined lemon flavored jello with Pisco. We filled the cups ¾, then let the Jello set up overnight. The Jello was topped with whip cream, planed off to be level, and then using a drink mixer, carefully dabbed a couple dots of bitters, being mindful to scale down the appearance of the original Pisco Sour to this smaller wiggling party surprise.
It is ideal for New Years Eve parties being conscious of Peruvian customs, one should make many of them because these shots will disappear fast!
Other typical Peruvian New Years beliefs include running around the block at midnight with one luggage to have luck for traveling in the new year, eating 12 grapes under the table making wishes, and wearing yellow underwear.
For a traditional Pisco Sour check this post “Peruvian and Chilean Pisco Sours”
For more on the different types of Pisco check this post “Pisco”
To make the Pisco Sour Jello Shots-makes about 16 shots
You need 1 package of 3oz. lemon jello and a package of shooter glasses of 1oz. (28 ml.)
To make the lemon jello, add (as directed on box,) one cup of hot water, until completely dissolved.
Add 1/2 cup of cold water, and 1/2 cup of Pisco, this time we are using Pisco Barsol-Quebranta.
Once the jello mix is made, pour into the Jello shot cups, leaving enough room to add the Whip Cream and drops of Angostura Bitters topping.
Cool as directed on box, or overnight.
Before serving, top with whip cream, planing it to level it off by scraping it off with a knife.
Add some very small drops of bitters.
Serve immediately because the whip cream tends to deflate, losing the overall effect of the Pisco Sour mini drink clone.

For other Pisco recipes check this e-book

Mini Pisco Sour Peruano hecho con gelatina, ideal para la fiesta de Año Nuevo
Esta vez quisimos crear algo original y se nos ocurrio esta idea, combinando el famoso Pisco Sour Peruano, con el famoso color amarillo que trae buena suerte. Todo para disfrutar de la noche del 31 de Diciembre.
La receta es simple, lo unico que hay que hacer es seguir las instrucciones de la caja de la gelatina, substituir cierta cantidad de agua por el Pisco y decorar con crema batida. De modo que aqui vamos.
1 caja de gelatina de 3 onzas de Sabor limon (amarillo)
Clara batida a punto de nieve endulzada con azucar impalbable, o si se encuentra disponible la crema batida ya preparada aún mejor.
Pisco Quebranta
Vasitos de gelatina
Amargo de angostura
En un tazon añadir la gelatina en polvo, luego agregar una taza de agua hirviendo, mezclar hasta que todo el azucar de la gelatina se diluya.
Luego las instrucciones indican agregar una taza de agua fria, pero vamos a substituir 1/2 taza de agua por 1/2 de taza de Pisco. Agragar la otra 1/2 taza de agua fria, mezclar bien.
Vaciar la gelatina diluida en los vasitos, llenar solo hasta un poco mas de la mitad.
Dejar enfriar segun indica en la caja. Tambien se puede prepara la gelatina la noche anterior.
Batir la yema del huevo a punto de nieve endulzado con azucar impalable al gusto.
La decoracion tiene que hacerse justo antes de servir, poner cierta cantidad sobre la gelatina en cada vasito y nivelarlo. Luego agregar gotitas de amargo de angostura para que sea una version completa del tradicional Pisco Sour.

Feliz Año Nuevo!
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Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
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