#Mining #Exploration #Geology
This post is a listing of observations, sayings, rules of thumb, beliefs, value statements, and even stereotypes that all integrate into a philosophy that exploration managers, mining CEO’s, investors, and society members should have some awareness about. They are broadly regrouped under the headings of Society, Company value, Deposit discovery, Exploration management, Geology, and Economics. Some may apply in multiple categories. Many statements may apparently conflict with others, which is part of the difficulty of managing expectations and directing a strategy through the myriad of pitfalls that can hinder company growth and project delivery. One common theme is that exploration is undervalued, miss-understood, and in many cases poorly managed. Another is that mining cannot exist without exploration. Both of these last sentences combine to provide for society that is largely ignorant about the nature of the supply chain that builds civilization and places the products before their fingertips. Some tweets are intentionally harsh to raise awareness, to provoke improvements. All of this is assembled here because the isolate “tweets” become greatly diluted in the sheer bulk of Twitter noise. Furthermore, by regrouping them some additional patterns may brought forward- many of them integrate through different cause and effects that impact the metals industry. We make no claim that the list is comprehensive, or even correct, instead they are debate points that come from caring about the subject matter.
Many of the mining-exploration-geology tweets have gone little noticed, which in part reflects our recent participation in this social platform and therefore having an incomplete developed group of followers. All of the tweets were originally accompanied by a general photograph showing something that was mining, exploration, or geology related. These pictures were interesting, cool actually, but omitted in this compilation to reduce the length of the post. Several of the below statements grabbed responses or were highlighted by far greater “impressions”- these have been marked by asterisks. Many of these topics could be the basis for a fuller essay expanding upon the contributing factors or discussed over some beers out in the field. No specific company (in most cases) or personality is singled out while making these remarks, they are meant to be general, and again, such an approach risks the violations involved in stereotyping. Nonetheless, most cases are probably more correct than wrong. Because tweets are separated across months of times, do not expect reading this shopping list to bring a coherent flow but rather read them to see how many matches your perception of the industry and or believed worldviews. Nearly all of the statements were designed to contain the hashtags of Mining, Exploration, and Geology because of how intricately independent they truly are for providing society with metals and other minerals.
– The three pillars to modern civilization: #Mining #Exploration #Geology
– The world requires all three #Mining #Exploration #Geology
- Because if it cannot be grown…
#Geology advocate for #Mining making the world a better place
The Chuquicamata mineral plant- technical plans, work, time, and families being supported with funding for their dreams- mining is immensely more complicated than uneducated emotions or opinions. #Mining #Exploration #Geology
Advocate for geology- who will find the metals that you use?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
The Constancia open pit copper mine operated by HudBay Minerals- located in southern Peru at 4,250 meters elevation. The hard work here makes everyone’s lives better.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Large tech and massive wealth collected in @Google, @amazon, @facebook, Apple, and @Microsoft cannot exist without #Mining
They all depend on #Exploration that is based in #Geology
Sometimes your minerals come from numerous “rat holes” in the Atacama Desert- it will not say that on the Home Depot products
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
This is what finding your luxuries and technology looks like in the beginning, a long hard search.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Finding minerals to support everyone’s lifestyles is harder than you think.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Chile
The classic saying number one: Earth First, we will mine the other planets latter
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
#Copper- it is what keeps the lights on at night and feeds the glow of your computer monitor. Here is a hunk of chalcopyrite ore from #Chile.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
You perhaps have heard of “Peak oil”, the same concept is valid for all metal types. A sharp decrease in discovery rate may indicate that the peak has already passed; this may be particularly true for #Gold.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Major #Mining companies have an ethics conundrum while virtual signaling on the environment, indigenous communities, and societal improvements while selling their metal products to #China, a country that over the decade’s timescale seeks to oppress civil liberties
#Geology #Exploration #USA
Electric cars require 6 times more copper than traditional cars and have been driving new Li and Co mining- “going green” requires huge amount of new #Mining
#Exploration #Geology #Environment
Electric vehicles take power from a fossil fuel grid that has energy transmission loss and this equates to greater carbon emissions- the EV false environmental economy.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Some of the more interesting historic towns for tourist to visit are #Mining towns. Picture from Butte, Montana. Why then is the public always being misinformed by environmental groups against mining? #Mining is what built America.
#Exploration #Geology
The A.O.C. “New Green Deal” is founded on massive commodities consumption that will skyrocket the price of metals, causing immense social injustice issues on the vast populations of poor around the world.
#Exploration #Geology #USA #Democrats #Republicans
Universities in the USA have gutted #Geology departments in favor of climate and hydrology causing a shortage of skilled exploration geologists for #Exploration and #Mining
All of Europe was built from #Mining
#Geology #Exploration
Picture- slag pour at the Chuquicamata #Copper mine smelter, #Chile
All public transport, solar panels, wind mills, and alternative energy requires #Mining
#Exploration #Geology
Everyone’s weekend depends on #Mining #Exploration #Geology
If it is not grown, it must be mined #Mining #Geology #Exploration Picture of Calico, #California, back before the state lost its way, back when it was a great mining state. Only mining in California now is taxing people’s resources.
How do #Mining companies proclaim SHEC values while at the same time they are willing to sell their products to #China that operates with morals going against SHEC?
#Exploration #Geology
The only thing #Mining can do in climate change is to stop extracting coal; all other mine site measures are window dressing that will not have any measurable impact.
#Exploration #Geology
Problem is, without coal, large sectors of humanity must go without power.
University systems in most western states of the #USA began as School of Mines, such as in Butte, Montana #Geology #Exploration #Mining was integral to the founding of our educational system.
Non-fossil fuel energy assumptions in the A.O.C. “New Green Deal” will depend on cobalt from the DRC which in turn will highly promote child labor. This proposal promotes evil in the world.
#Exploration #Geology #USA #Democrats #Republicans
A classic among #Copper miners- the Covellite theater in Butte, #Montana
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
No better job than working in #Exploration. It is the leading edge that provides for all of society.
#Mining #Geology
#Bolivia will have an #Exploration boom with its under-studied #Geology leading to revitalizing the country’s economy with modern #Mining methods— once Evo Morales is out of power.
#Mining in #Chile- plagued by labor unions, high electricity, lack of water, and now punitive and vindictive environmental department drunk with slapping fines on companies. What is left for
#Exploration and #Geology in the country?
NEVADA: What does Reno, Ely, Eureka, Elko, Austin, Pioche, Tonopah, Winnemucca, and Goldfields have in common?
ANSWER: #Mining #Exploration #Geology
#Exploration #Geology #Mining- with China having numerous nuclear power plants in operation, where do they dispose of the radioactive waste? Can any government reporting on this topic be trusted? What happens to nuclear waste in China?
Major #Copper comes from highly corrupt nations- DRC and Indonesia – it seems international #Mining companies working here are paying the graft through convenient renaming of payments. Most people I know in #Exploration would see this same possibility.
#Mining – ask what you could not do without it today? #Exploration and #Geology makes it all happen.
People can sit in offices “working” separated from the weather and most hazards because #Mining provided the materials to erect such safe havens.
#Exploration #Geology
To advance resources for society we need to establish “designated #Mining areas” with streamlined regulations that acknowledges mineral endowment requires extraction over the millennia- no reclamation, no drill permits, no drama, this is needed for efficiency
#Geology #Exploration

Photograph of Toronto- cities are positive topography features erected by humans from materials mined out of the Earth
A mining company without a vibrant exploration program comprises a body without a soul- exploration is why @bhp @RioTinto and @TeckResources are the world leaders.
Twitter exists because of #Mining which depends on #Exploration and #Geology
The only way value is created in #Mining is through #Exploration that uses #Geology
Without #Exploration based in #Geology all #Mining comes to an end…
and then where does that leave all of us?
#Mining begins with #Exploration
For company boards that do not explore, they should be out of job. #Mining #Exploration #Geology #JamesMWise
#Mining without #Exploration is a business model of cannibalism
#Geology is what keeps it real
For too long mining companies have been reporting resource conversion costs as exploration and then complaining about the lack of discovery- the executives do not understand their industry. #Mining #Exploration #Geology
Most #Mining executives are paid far too much for failure in delivering a long-term strategy that includes #Exploration– shareholders revolt against overpaid ignorance
#Geology is what keeps it real
Mining deals with a finite resource- combining the word mining with sustainability is an oxymoron
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Does the mining company you invested in explore enough? If not, find a new company.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Massive business write-offs from bad #Mining acquisitions and engineering mistakes along with the unavoidable operations “upgrades” has likely lost more money than everything spent on #Exploration
#Gold #Copper #Silver #Geology
Does your #Mining company board of directors have members that never worked in a mine? If so, what are people thinking? #Geology keeps it real, and those outside the industry do not understand spending on #Exploration
Major #Mining mergers is not growth- it is a false economy where no new ounces are discovered through #Exploration. Mergers are the industry equivalent of cannibalism, only #Geology can make a difference. The actual end result of the merger is the elimination of “redundant” positions thereby decreasing the field effort to find new ore.
Junior exploration companies abound in #Chile, reinventing the same small-scale properties in the iocg belt- none of them have amounted to anything during the last 9 years.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Without new discoveries through #Exploration merging companies is a futile struggle in a losing battle of depletion. #Mining #Geology
Are you advancing new #Geology towards a discovery or putting lipstick on a pig to fleece down investors or the company board? #Mining #Geology
Using #Geology in #Exploration to make a new mineral discovery is the single greatest way to add value in #Mining
There are no financial upside in #Mining companies that do not support a rigorous #Exploration program. #Geology makes mining possible.
Junior #Exploration makes a continual cycle of putting lipstick on pigs while majors smugly presume they will pick up junior discoveries instead of doing the work themselves
#Mining #Geology
Why invest in a #Mining company if they do not have an #Exploration program and a solid #Geology department? Exactly, there is no reason to do so.
In #Mining, buying a producing property is merely trading dollars for risks because the mine value is already priced in. Only #Exploration creates additional value. #Geology
The weakest link in most mining projects are the ones that were not studied.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
#Mining companies that do not explore are managed by people that do not understand where the air they breathe comes from.
#Exploration #Geology
As #Mining companies scramble for politically correct appeasement of Millennial pressure to check the boxes of inclusion, minorities, gender parity, and social justice they have forgotten the fundamental requirement for knowledge, independent thinking, and turned their backs on calculated risks in #Exploration #Geology
It used to be #Exploration and Business development were one and the same. When the latter was separated out and staffed by business majors that is when #Mining companies started posting massive write offs because the #Geology of the deposits was not appreciated.
In the post-Bre-X 43-101 decades the junior mining industry stubbornly clings to inside trading for a quick win paired with vicious short selling- wink and nod, skimming money from the top and grabbing it under the table! #Mining #Exploration #Geology
Development and #Mining projects go sideways from incomplete #Geology, over-engineering and re-engineering, rushing the feasibility, and high-grading once production starts. #Exploration then is commonly tasked to make up the difference in property valuation with new reserves.
Can you name the most corrupt large #Mining company? Would it be Glencore? Those working in #Exploration #Geology have a sense of this, we read the news and remember the events.
The very structure of #Mining production bonuses promotes short-term thinking and deviation of mine plans that harm the asset life of mine and can lead to orphaning of mineralization. In #Exploration and #Geology we ask respect the deposits because they are so difficult to find.
#Exploration junior companies with large project portfolios than have limited to zero project turnover and properties that are not advancing the #Geology are essentially taking up space and slowing down development for #Mining
All the merger and acquisitions in #Mining is about used cars- only #Exploration can provide for a new ride!

Photograph, coins- Company values must balance environmental, community, and worker protections with technical orchestration of product extraction and sale in a global economy that continuously changes over time.
“Similarly, not a few successful geologists have on many occasions found ore by following incorrect theories.” – McKinstry, 1948
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
The major #Mining companies continue to whine about the lack of new discoveries that they have directly caused by not exploring- – they can’t see the “pit” through their own “dust.”
#Exploration #Geology
When was the last time you heard about a new discovery in Chile?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Given the highly desirable nature of #Gold and the greater percentage of companies and budgets dedicated to the yellow metal it makes sense that it would be the first to mark a decreased discovery rate
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Old saying about ore discoveries- it takes seven companies seven drill holes each to find a deposit. In other words, target testing with less than six drill holes does not work.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Classic phrase number two: Drill early, drill often
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
#Exploration success saying number three: Discoveries are made by boot leather and drill steel
#Mining #Geology
When will major #Mining companies start being honest and stop reporting resource development drilling as being #Exploration? It strongly negatively skews the perception of discovery versus spend statistics. In #Geology we see through this issue whereas shareholders are misled.
How many #Exploration drill holes does it take to make a new discovery? It usually takes more than 10. I have seen examples of resources not being found until drill hole number 33, and in one case number 68. Target testing with 3 to 5 holes are likely fails. #Geology #Mining
An #Exploration discovery is said to “have many fathers” which in #Geology is a nice way of saying the majority of people out there in #Mining are falsely declaring responsibility for success. Keep this in mind while in 16 days you are participating in @the_PDAC at Toronto.
Critical #Exploration: Rio Tinto stat from a decade ago cited only 1 in 300 prospects merit additional work. It is not all good out there. #Mining #Geology
Geologists working in old style #Exploration offices with doors, light tables, flat files, and shelves with books and rocks found more ore deposits than today’s open-plan accountant-dreamed penny-pinching cubicle farms. #Mining #Geology But all the easy stuff was found years ago
Mineral deposits are not found by loitering around offices. #Exploration #Geology #Mining
When is a discovery made? The definition is not formal in #Mining and #Exploration The #Geology may be recognized as being important long before a resource is measured. Some attempt to claim discovery based on economic realization. In many ways this is usurping credit.

Photograph of the Chuquicamata open pit- quality deposit discoveries are rare- perhaps a world class asset being located once every 30 years. It has already been noted that many geologists may work an entire career without ever making a discovery (not all geos work in exploration) and those that actively are seeking out discoveries on average may only find one deposit in their career. Certain geologists become classified as “ore finders” but in many cases they are merely especially adept at husbanding their own myth, latching onto the success stories that are more complicated for their discovery history
Hardcore- keeping careful and secure physical drill records is critical to developing and mining a deposit. Too often managers forget geology once the mine begins. A real factor for over 100 years.
#Nevada #Mining #Exploration #Geology #Gold #Photos #Photography
#Mining always takes drilling. Mines are risk generators with cumulative errors from engineering and incomplete geology that ultimately lose value. #Exploration is the only way to maintain value in mining. #Nevada #Mining #Exploration #Geology
There is more to #Exploration for metals than the 43-101. #Geology does matter and so does reporting geological maps with legible image resolution. #Mining
Which finds more ore…major or junior companies? And are they mining rock or wallets? #Mining #Exploration #Geology
* “The very fact that such a prospect is inactive is a sign that something is wrong with it” – McKinstry, 1948
“Above all, a prediction that ore will not be found in a given place should be made only on the most conclusive evidence.” – McKinstry, 1948
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
The #Mining majors did more damage to #Exploration departments by buying mid-sized companies, laying off the geos, and reducing the boots in the field- this has been going on for the last 30 years. Then boards sit around scratching their heads wondering what to mine.
#Exploration takes more than making a list, it is art of knowledge and inspiration
#Mining #Geology
Those typically giving #Innovation speak in #Mining companies for #Exploration have never sat a drill rig, logged core, or filled sample bag, let alone found a deposit. And often enough they do not understand #Geology.
If I had one these #Silver coins for every time an accountant manager cut #Exploration budgets in a #Mining company I could fund doing my own #Geology programs.
Too many suits and ties in #Mining; the rocks don’t care, but these outfits are not appropriate for finding mineral nor for digging it out. This probably has a lot to do with reduced discovery rates.
#Exploration #Geology
A geologist without a truck is like a cowboy without a horse!
#Exploration #Geology #Mining
Ranking #Exploration targets and then presuming the top picks are more likely to succeed often fails. The unknowns in #Geology are generally too many such that apparent lower ranking targets may sometimes be the ones hiding a deposit.
Having #Mining company geologists attend #Geology conferences is important for their development, professional networks, and tracking industry trends.
Exploitation in #Mining needs to contribute back to #Geology and support the publication of professional papers about the nature of the mineral deposits that they work on; this is needed for future of #Exploration
Is your #Exploration manager stale? I have seen many that should not have been in the job languishing after two years and staying in the role for more than five. Deposit discovery measures success. #Mining #Geology
What is your #Exploration department’s performance look like in hindsight? Do you need new leadership? #Mining #Geology
One can never know all of the #Geology beforehand for testing an #Exploration project by drilling, that is why drilling is needed in the first place. #Drilling is another method in the search that is best applied earlier in advancing a project. #Mining
When was the last time your #Exploration manager was seen in the field???
#Mining #Geology
How many #Exploration projects were dogs that had too much money spent on them? And how many were really good that management did not recognized the value on and did not stay the course or fund them to begin with?
#Mining #Geology
* In #Exploration too often those that “linger near the copy machine” in the head office advance higher while taking credit for those working #Geology in the field…is it any wonder the wrong decisions are made about projects? #Mining
#Exploration success is not IT, computers, programs, and gadgets, what matters is years of study, field practice, and mental capacity to integrate pure #Geology. #Mining companies often have the wrong impression about how this is done.
* I am off traveling today to AME RoundUp (@AME_BC) conference in Vancouver to learn about new developments in #Exploration, #Geology, and #Mining
* What is the right duration for an #Exploration manager to be heading a program? #Geology requires time and persistence. Running too long with misconceptions or poor strategy can harm a #Mining company’s pipeline of projects. And #Innovation suggest turnover is useful.
Hello- too often #Mining companies tout #Innovation as the path to success while at the same time they lack #Geology best practices, even to the extent of not covering basic geological mapping. #Exploration typically carries the standards of excellence and bring new insights.
#Exploration requires knowledge over checking boxes on diversity
#Mining #Geology
#Exploration metrics on program methods, such as meters drilled, targets tested, turnover of projects, size of staff, number of collected samples, and amount of mapped #Geology are all important if properly applied with the driving spirit for making a discovery.
#Mining companies that manage #Exploration safety by HSEC staff that do not understand #Geology nor exploration generally tend to either halt all field activities or make them too costly to execute. This end results are a “safe failure.”
It used to be in #Exploration departments we had draftsmen and support staff- now the geologist is chained to the laptop “doing it all” and not enough time is spent on #Geology. This is where #Mining has got it wrong.
Talent pipeline in #Mining and #Exploration: challenge is that universities pay for starting professors so much lower than working in industry- how can new students expect to be taught by top academics in #Geology?
University #Geology departments employ professors that have mainly been in the university system; very few of them have held actual industry positions, which means teaching appropriate topics to support #Mining and #Exploration is a challenge in talent sourcing shortfalls.
Challenges facing #Exploration management: talent sourcing those with multidisciplinary #Geology skills including academic-field practical, funding from boards with quick turnaround goals found in the quarterly reports’ biz-world, HR not understanding #Mining and explo reality
Development and #Mining projects go sideways from incomplete #Geology, over-engineering and re-engineering, rushing the feasibility, and high-grading once production starts. #Exploration then is commonly tasked to make up the difference in property valuation with new reserves.
In a #Mining company’s #Geology department everyone should be tasked with drilling an #Exploration target; those that do not personally place their name with an assay sheet have no position to judge results- and you are only as good as your last hole applies to everyone.
Not recording the #Geology at producing mines is irresponsible. Not doing so risks major geotechnical failures, not understanding the ore controls to property explore continuations to add reserves, and it short changes #Exploration and #Mining in the future.
Postage-stamp tenement positions on #Exploration projects hurt logistics in developing a #Mining project. Stake enough ground to cover the prospect #Geology and consider infrastructure space requirements.
As a leader in #Exploration I encourage high caliber #Geology, honesty in #Mining, and responsible engagement with all stakeholders in our industry and communities. The mineral industry today is about doing the right thing.
Teamwork is over-promoted from socialist thought promotion universities attempting to subjugate independence through collaboration- all of the great geologists in history were individuals, not teams. #Geology #Exploration #Mining Not that there is anything wrong with that.
#Exploration managers using the “project pipeline” pyramid graph needs to take program communication deeper with quality rankings and advancement criteria. #Geology #Mining
The #Geology office challenge- do your geos have any books or rocks in the office? This is what it takes in mastering a profession. #Mining #Exploration (p.s. All of my journals are in the basement and more gear is in the garage!)
This #Photo of part of my home #Office shows what it takes in #Geology to work at a professional level. I hear many #Mining companies are now requiring empty clean desks each night. What kind of geology are they doing? #Exploration does not function that way.
Safety in #Exploration is a difficult topic for #Mining to manage from the top down. The variable risks associated with #Geology in the field requires individuals that are competent, alert, and skilled rather than incompletely framed standards.
#Mining – #Exploration companies w/ shared #Geology office cubicles that have no space for rocks, books, maps, and gear explain the industry’s declining deposit discovery rate.
Resource allocations in #Exploration is a fundamental decision process to support #Mining through the application of #Geology– it is not taught in universities, few managers have historic case studies for reference, and it is done with incomplete knowledge across many levels.

Exploration management requires periodic analysis and study of methods, results, and philosophy of running a program and team. Company and team culture are critical aspects for developing a successful program. Constantly framing the mission and reminding the non-geologists in a company of the hallmark requirements it takes to make a discovery is a must. People have to be reminded that it takes time and persistence; that it takes testing more than a handful of targets; that targets must actually be tested to find a new deposit; and that being bullish on picking up new tenements while dropping others is part of the process- plus numerous other concerns, but the greatest necessary aspect is having a passion for geology, enjoying the field, and enjoying talking about rocks
Geology can be done outside of mining and exploration- the converse is not true
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
#Exploration does not need victims or diversity in the support of #Mining, geologists in #Geology need to know how to change a tire and drive a manual 4×4 truck
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
University spawned micro-aggression mentality has no place in third-world #Exploration, “man up” to face field reality to work in #Geology and #Mining
Can you handle staying a week in the middle of Nevada by yourself, with no one to talk to, no cell phone, and doing work outdoors?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Can you determine what this old mine produced and if there is anything left in this area that is worth trying to mine now?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
A quartz vein in Nevada- do you know what it means?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Gold
A gossan in Nevada- do you know what it means?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
The rocks just don’t give us the resources we use, it takes hard work and advanced studies in the geosciences to know how the Earth functions.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Geologists explore the world in more places, more climates, across more cultures, and more extreme conditions than just about any other type of profession that exists today.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
The Cortez hills-Pipeline conveyor belt in construction- it is all about moving gold. [photo from 2009] Nevada gold experiences going back to 1992 lends some perspectives! #Nevada #Mining #Exploration #Geology #Gold #Photos #Photography
“Nearly all #Exploration for ore is founded on a theory of some sort.” – McKinstry, 1948
#Mining #Geology
Good #Exploration comes from studying the #Geology of mines, and being a good #Mining company means sharing with the geological community and industry information about their deposits.
“…mining geology, while pursuing its own career, cannot divorce itself from “pure” geology.” – McKinstry, 1948
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
* “That many a prospect after long dormancy has evolved into a prosperous mine merely emphasizes the fact that every prospect presents a problem to be solved” – McKinstry, 1948
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
So, you are #Mining investor- you see this rock from #Chile, do you buy in? What if I told you there are 15,000 locations spread of 1000 km with the same thing?
If you want a copper mine do you like a rock like this?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Many kilometers of dirt roads in #Chile are driven every day by exploration geologists for the last several decades…
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Fine dining in the El Salvador mining town, #Chile.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
A field geologist in transit at the Santiago airport
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Many an exploration geologist threw back beers here at the Phone Booth Pub in Santiago, #Chile – this place was leveled years ago to build a high-rise.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Most mining prospects quickly break their picks.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Chile #Copper
* Would you explore this outcrop for copper or gold?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Geologists in the field take travel to a far greater extreme than backpackers and tourists following the guidebooks
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Travel #Chile
Old wisdom- the geologist who sees the most rocks knows the most. This is a crux argument for #Mining companies to send their geologists on field trips.
#Exploration #Geology – picture from central #Peru highlands with zinc mineralization along an unconformity.
#Exploration– where knowing how to change a tire and willingness to sleep in a tent means more than social justice
#Mining #Geology
In #Exploration, #Geology context is everything.
#Exploration #Geology requires more than knowledge of #Mining– it takes multiple disciplines covering volcanology, sedimentology, mineralogy, structure and tectonics, intrusive petrology, and extensive research on the regional geology. It is not a process of just looking at the mines.
#Exploration #Mining #Geology AND #Geopuns !!! A picture says a thousand words- and geologists need many of them for their stories!
You know you have done #Exploration in Latin America when your papers saying you have done so must be notarized.
#Geology #Mining
You know you have done #Exploration in Nevada when you have targeted drill holes on a napkin in the Stray Dog pub.
#Geology #Mining
You know you have done #Exploration in Peru when hooked up to an IV, #Mining and #Geology there sometimes requires penicillin shots, dodging locals throwing rocks, long waits in frustration, and things not going right 70% of the time.
You know you have done #Exploration in Chile when you have to have a lawyer because the tenement system does not make any sense! #Geology #Mining
Does your #Exploration project have all the ingredients to make a complete pie? A base of geological mapping, sauce of geochemical sampling, cheese of investor promotions, and geophysical pepperonis supporting targets? #Geology #Mining
#Exploration #Geology #Mining: Contrast waiting through all those political office safety talks about minor hazards then the following week almost getting gored by a charging bull in the field. Going through the motions is a waste of time while staying alert saves one’s life.
A company that is drill testing an #Exploration target before having the #Geology mapped is doing so blindly, bumping about like fools. The story in the rocks must be understood and paid attention to. #Mining
#Exploration does not NEED cellphone apps made by IT, we need geologists that understand rocks, mapping, data interpretation, and people with skills in survival, orientation, self-reliance, and even mechanics. #Mining and #Geology is about people with skills.
If your #Exploration management and company board trust neural networks and fuzzy logic over geological reasoning and the geologist’s intuition in targeting then you are in the wrong company. #Mining #Geology
In many cases in #Mining #Exploration documenting project mineralogy is more important than straight the geochemical sampling- mineral assemblages provide the best context for system types and vectoring information. The #Geology matters.
Time to unmask “machine learning” in #Exploration, #Geology, and #Mining– when has an algorithm read the “Principles of Geology” by Charles Lyell? Or had any context of global plate tectonics?
It is truly amazing how many advanced #Exploration projects out there have not identified all of the rock units in their deposits; and how many have incomplete #Geology maps. #Mining
People are into #Exploration #Geology #Mining because there is money or hopes for there to be money. (And because some of us like the rocks!)
In #Mining minerals is the business, be afraid if your coworkers at the mine and in #Exploration do not know their minerals. Most switched on prospectors are also mineral collectors. #Geology
Professionals in #Geology should not be reduced to a “temping service.” #Exploration #Mining
I was once criticized by rather stuck-up Peruvian geologists for having dirty hiking boots on, I looked at their polished shoes and their clean trucks and told them point blank that they are not exploring.
#Exploration #Mining #Geology
More than one prospect submittal I have reviewed showed a handful of high-graded surface samples separated by vast areas of barren rock (unsampled) and then went on to calculate tonnes and average grade. #Exploration #Geology #Mining
Staking rushes are silly ways to waste #Exploration money. In #Mining and #Geology we have seen these many times, and yet the major companies and juniors still succumb to the temptation.
All university #Geology departments’ curriculum should include advanced first aid and wilderness survival training. #Mining #Exploration
I have never seen a HR #Geology job description that encompasses the required skills and knowledge that are really needed for being a geologist. #Mining #Exploration
#Mining #Exploration has a myth going on about “Big Data,” the truth in #Geology is that there are far more unknowns- such as unit ages, paleo-stress direction, actual fluid chemistry, and presence of faults, etc., computer displays are blind folds on what we do not understand.
It is not like an “AI system” in #Exploration is going to talk to the professors that wrote the papers and understand what was left unstudied and unanswered or in need of additional funding. #Mining #Geology
Incredible amounts of sulfur come out of magma- photo of a mud pot with S encrustations at the surface, Mt Lassen, #California. Keep the S in solution, mix it with Fe in the intrusion to make massive amounts of pyrite; add Cu and it is a porphyry deposit. #Geology #Exploration
It takes more than a pair of boots and a hammer to become a geologist. #Exploration #Geology #Mining
Hardcore #Geology in #Mining, fit this into your porphyry #Exploration model- a folded moly seam from the middle of Chuquicamata mine, #Chile
Hardcore #Geology– anhydrite matrix in a breccia from the Mirador porphyry, #Chile – this is a small part of the knowledge that goes into #Exploration in support of #Mining industry
Taca taca porphyry B veins with moly in some irregular waves but maybe not clear stylolites or folds. #Argentina #Geology #Exploration #Mining In part pattern may be from the cut surface intersecting the vein at an oblique angle.
I have seen more geophysical drill targets miss rather than hit- just saying. #Exploration #Geology #Mining
Having the largest #Exploration land position in a country quickly becomes negated with closing of the #Geology office; persistence is required for discovery. #Mining watch out for many direction changes in your exploration programs.
#Nevada- where 50% of the region is covered by alluvium and basins, half of the state’s #Gold remains blind and undiscovered.
#Exploration #Geology #Mining
#Exploration is not just about a job- it is a way of life. #Mining #Geology
Greenfields #Exploration is about hitting the bush- even in #Nevada, one would not expect a green picture like this from the state, but this is an old #Mining road I was driving up, putting the “Nevada pinstriping” on the truck. #Geology
It is true, in #Exploration geologists do meet to have breakfast together; this community is what is great in #Mining and #Geology How many lawyers, dentist, or doctors can say the same?
In #Exploration if you do not have mineral claims you are just a rag picker…#Mining #Geology
Confident explorers are willing to drill test #Geology targets without completing an unthinking shopping list of geochemistry, geophysics, and other distractions. #Mining #Exploration
Holding tenements in a country is not the same thing as having a project. #Exploration #Geology #Mining
“Geochemistry is the spice of life” so said on the bar in Belmont, #Nevada
Not your typical scrawls from not your typical state! Exploration #Mining #Geology #Geochemistry
Predictive #Exploration comes from the human mind- not from machines. #Mining #Geology Computers extrapolate edge effects whereas people have imagination. AI big data analysis does not consider the important dimension of time.
Is your #Mining company obsolete? Diversity and innovation are not going to change that, what you need is good #Geology and #Exploration
#Exploration is not just a matter of luck; it takes skill to keep your eye on the ball and make a high score. #Mining #Geology
A good #Geology map and alteration layer should provide clear indications on where mineralized system centers are located for #Exploration #Mining
Probably over 80% of #Exploration project #Geology maps are incomplete, contain mapping flaws, and need serious upgrading. #Mining
Who is finding and #Mining the metals and minerals you need every day to survive? #Geology #Exploration– Answer: geologists and mining companies.
#Exploration is very much about passion, knowledge, drive, and dedication #Geology #Mining

Geology may seem cryptic to non-geologists and yet this study is the only one in mining that actually explains why a mineral deposit forms, and goes through the effort to characterize rock features outside of the actual mineral or metal of interest being mined in such a way that a bigger picture can be seen and used to search for additional resources. Geology defines the very names of the material being dealt with in mining. Understanding the difference in good versus bad geology in mineral deposits is a fundamental aspect of a mining company’s success or failure.
What governments and banks cannot print or add digital decimal places to have the most value but they can still confiscate it #Mining #Exploration #Geology #Gold #Silver
What is common between now a hundred years ago- a one-ounce gold coin buys a nice suit
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Gold
Knowing the future of mining depends on understand its past
#Nevada #Mining #Exploration #Geology #Gold #Photos #Photography
Own physical gold or mining stocks? The former does not cheat, lie, screw up on permits, overspend on engineering, or get paid big bonuses. #Mining #Geology #Exploration #Gold
* When companies like @bhp and @RioTinto have consistent dividends around 4 to 5% why invest in other mining companies that deliver to shareholders returns under 2%???
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Will the #Chile copper production last through the industrialization of Africa?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Copper
How much new copper is left to be found in #Chile?
#Mining #Exploration #Geology #Copper
Open pit #Mining used rock overburden (OB) to ore proportions (strip ratio) for economics- now other costs need definition: Environmental OB, Social OB, IT OB, Political OB, and really, Stupidity OB (re-engineering)- grouped as “Cumulative overburden.”
#Exploration #Geology
Reported a few years back, the U.S.A. debt is larger in value than all the #Gold and #Silver mined throughout human history…. logically the price of precious metals will someday soar.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
Without #Exploration success #Mining companies can only exploit lower grades at higher costs and lower profit margins
* 85% of the #Exploration tenements held in #Peru are valueless and 50% of the title owners know this and are willing to lie, the other 50% are ignorant about #Geology and lie to themselves. #Mining
Is it just me, or did not one of the world’s largest copper deposits (Grasberg) just go into the control of a nutcase and corrupt government? Indonesia. Why has the copper price not climbed more?
#Exploration #Geology #Mining
#Mining rocks or mining wallets? Evaluating #Exploration projects requires good knowledge of #Geology combined with wisdom on human nature. 15 days until @the_PDAC meeting in Toronto, its best to bring both skills.
“Sustainable Mining” is an oxymoron- all mines have finite resources.
#Mining #Exploration #Geology
In #Mining, we are either finding it or mining it, everything else is satellite and not so important. #Exploration #Geology
Critical #Exploration: starting a project w/ a major means a spend of at least 1M dollars, ask if the outcrop or pit in the ground is worth more than a million dollars. #Mining #Geology
It is funny, and sad, how many mineral lease holders actually believe their property has value. #Exploration #Geology #Mining
How many companies have spent more looking for mineralization than the value of what they found?
#Exploration #Geology #Mining Could that be the definition of a junior explorer?
A mineral industry classic- the untrained speculator’s fact sheet showing an estimated resource based on zero drilling! #Exploration #Geology #Mining Some people believe in too much blue sky!
Metal commodity prices are incomplete, the consumer never has been paying the full price, that is why so many #Mining companies have failed. #Exploration #Geology
Critical #Exploration: Mikey Fulp, @mercenarygeo, wrote that only 2 mines in 10 will turn a profit. A colleague of mine in #Geology suggested 14 years ago that was only 1 in 10. Think about that before loading a #Mining project with all of the latest costly digital technology.
It used to be the #Mining industry reported #Gold results in ounces…. the 1 to 3-gram gold discussions really do not raise much economic excitement unless the mineralization is in oxide. #Exploration #Geology
In #Exploration and #Mining, if one does not get the #Geology right with decent mineralization from the beginning all the business practices, financial systems, corporate policies, technology, and branding cannot change reality.
A new mineral resource summary is needed- average grade does not say enough, financial methods (IRR, NPV) come flawed through price and mining costs assumptions- cutoff grade tonnages trade dollars, where the high grade is at and its shape is what matters. #Mining #Exploration
Drill your best targets or watch the mine die!
#Mining #Geology #Exploration
All mines come to an end- this is reality. Those slinging fashion term “sustainable mining” around do not comprehend the industry. #Mining #Exploration #Geology
Extinction in #Mining: Noranda, Phelps Dodge, Asarco, Cyprus, Pegasus, Cerro de Pasco Corp., Anaconda, Homestake, Santa Fe, Kennecott, Battle Mtn Gold, Pasminco, Magma Mining, Placer Dome, Normandy, Echo Bay, Duval, Meridian…Goldcorp #Exploration moves through it all.
How exploration interacts with mining and geology and society matters because these topics all contribute to civilization, technology, raising food, etc.- everything. The saying “if it is not grown it must be mined” is real. Yet despite given how critical this industry is to people, the practitioners and professionals working in the industry do so with a dark cloud of commodity cycles, at times losing their jobs (I was just laid off four months ago!), and uncertainty across every year of their careers. There are constant external threats from governments and public protests based on unrealistic ideologies that stem from ignorance in both cases.
Many people in public are conditioned to believe that mining is bad, harmful for the environment, while at all times throughout their lives they depend on this industry. The issue is complex as people. Yes, Third-world countries continue with poor practices in mining- this is about corruption and lawlessness, not the intent of organized international companies. Mining standards today are numerous and rigorous but subject to the failures of people- people in communities, people in government, and people in the mining company. Any criticism about mining is fundamentally instead a statement about people. The rocks are inorganic, they don’t care.
What the public perceives as potential “environmental damage” in the truth of the geological time scale does not matter- the mountains that are being mined would be eroded down to a flat plain in the future. Nearly all the elements mined never leave the Earth- geology will eventually redistribute everything humans have done, whether it is down a subduction trench or uplifted, eroded, and dispersed on rivers. The total footprint of mining impact on the environment is far smaller than the damage caused by spreading cities over the landscape. And the truth is the biggest mining industry is agriculture- farming takes elements out of the soil profile in a mass balance that eclipses hard rock mining. All of life builds itself by mining the surface of the Earth for materials.
James M. Wise, July 2019
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Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
South America seems to refuse to show its inexhaustible creative force.