Lava is not terrifying and the weather is not raging
Take it from a geologist who knows what he is talking about. Cheap emotional qualifiers on internet news headlines are being used to garner interest and website hits, resulting in an abuse of the natural world. An article on the active ongoing basalt eruption at Kilauea volcano in the Big Island of Hawaii is a major violation.

Basalt eruptions are some of the passive, and approachable volcanic activity on Earth, therefore news items have no basis for injecting miss-leading terms that incite fear or calamity among its population or viewers. Basaltic volcanic deposit is very common, for example, it forms all of the oceanic plates that cover the majority of our planet. The eruptions are non-violent or explosive due to the low silica content of the magma. In Hawaii, the location of the rift zone is very well documented the short fall in the current impact of erupting lava on homes is a commentary on the failure of proper governance in land zoning and permitting.
Weather, storms, rain, and wind, are more and more being communicated with anthropomorphism. Rage is a human emotion of anger. The kinetic movement of particles, air and water, responds to natural forces largely related to heat redistribution. Rain is never angry therefore it cannot rage. Going along with this crappy writing is the application of “jaw-dropping” and “shocking” to attract mouse clicks, while injecting drama, and creating chaos. These litter the teaser texts in sponsor content on websites, and really should be interpreted as do not follow this link of low education levels.
Fortunately these issues disappear while reading news articles from South America. Although finding actual news is a time-consuming practice, because of all the space-filling material that futbol occupies. And like futbol commentators, that always drone on about some game event being “muy impresionante”, the English fashionable terms on lava and weather, trying to convince us that they are “bombs” demonstrate a poor command of the language. Weather happens, and lava is awesome neither one is intentionally out to harm us silly humans.
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