The Atacama Desert in Chile offers one of the most impressive scenes in what is known to Spanish speakers as the Desierto Florido. Every several years a hint of moisture in this Martian-like desolate landscape results in spectacular growth of wild purple flowers. People can take the advantage of visiting the Atacama Desert or just pass by and watch this desert phenomenon in full splendor, with some of the most resilient flowers.
The Atacama Desert considered one of the driest places on Earth has been compared to Mars for its color, and aridity. This is the reason why when this desert blooms it brings in lots of people, turning it into one of the main attractions of Chile. Before this event would only happen after several years, it is only recently that El Desierto Florido has become more common. This happens in the months of September through November based on how much rain they get during the winter months May until July.

It pays off to be informed if one really wants to appreciate this event. For more information about this Desierto Florido you can visit the CONAF La Corporacion Nacional Forestal web page, and get accurate details about the Parque Nacional Llanos de Challe. This park is located in the Atacama Region of Chile, between Huasco and Freirina comunas in the Huasco province. This park has an extension of 45,708 hectares; their main purpose is to protect the desert´s flora and fauna. The park has its origins thanks to the mining industry of Huasco, which began in 1756, and now it is considered as a place of scientific interest in relevance to the mining agreement.
To approach to the park is through the town of Huasco. Follow la ruta costera, or coastal route of C-360, continuing along it about 40 kilometers until you reach the park entrance at a place called Guarderia de los Pozos. An alternative way to the park follows route C-440 starting in the town of Vallenar. There is also public transportation that will take you directly to the park.
This National Park offers the best location to appreciate not only the flowers but the entire vegetation with some rare and beautiful plants. Some are also considered endangered such as the plant commonly known as “garra de leon” (it´s scientific name is bomarea ovallei). This park also offers the largest population of guanacos in the Atacama Region.
The park entrance is adults $3,000 Chilean Pesos, kids $1,500 Chilean Pesos, tourists adults $5,000 Chilean Pesos, kids $1,500 Chilean Pesos.
The Atacama flowers can be seen along many stretches of the Panamericana highway, particularly in the flatlands south of Copiapo. When the desert is in full bloom it is also worthwhile to visit the coast between Antofagasta and Taltal to see the variety of flowering cactus.

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