Here in South America, as in the rest of the world, we are being affected by the pandemic. Some people can work from home, others have to stay at home with little work to do. Some kids are attending school online, whereas young kids are enjoying an early vacation.
But whatever the circumstances, it’s always good to keep a positive attitude. Especially for me. This becomes easier to accomplish reading a good book. Here on our blog we started a book club a year ago, and we considered this an opportune moment to share this again for those who didn’t know about it.
All these titles have “South America” as the main topic. We tried to keep our book club to Latin America authors, but this wasn’t possible. Mainly, because their books are only published in Spanish. Therefore, we included authors from other countries, while prevailing the main topic. It is a great list.
We want to encourage people to read some of these books to keep sane. Take a trip to South America through some of these great books.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho a very positive book.
The White Rock, by Hugh Thomson, an explorer’s trip to Peru.
Out of the Silence by Eduardo Strauch and Mireya Soriano a story of survival.
The Last Day of the Incas by Kim MacQuarrie, a great history account.
Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa, a novel.
Happy Reading!
Note: While we are all in this together, we want to do our part to get us through this hard times. Our own James M. Wise published here on our blog the first chapter of his book HUK. QORICANCHA-First Chapter of “Cuzco Gold” Now, he has decided to have this e-book for “$0.99 to buy or Free to all Kindle Unlimited users” Starting today until the end of this month. We hope you get it, and read it. After this period the price will go back to $2.99.

Do connect with us:
ResearchGate: James M. Wise
Author´s page: James M. Wise
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Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
South America seems to refuse to show its inexhaustible creative force.