A mix dessert of rice pudding with purple corn pudding
This dessert brings me back to my childhood; my mom used to always make this dessert. It is something that I remember clearly when walking around different stands at the market you can see a row of women selling all sorts of desserts. One of my favorite one was this “combinado”, a combination dessert dish served with two types of traditional Peruvian desserts. This combinado consisted of “mazamorra morada” and “arroz con leche”, topped with cinnamon powder. It was always good. These women would have their big pots wrapped up with blankets or sheets to cover it from the cold air, and it was a nice snack to have before continuing with our grocery shopping.
This is the first time I made this dessert at home and it was hard to pass on having the purple corn and the brew we made before, which it yielded a full pitcher and half of this Chicha or purple corn brew. We enjoyed having it at lunch and dinner time. I reserved 2 cups of chicha to make pudding or “mazamorra” this time.
Serves 8
Arroz con leche or Sweet Rice Pudding
1 cup of white rice
3 cups of water
1 cinnamon stick
1 cup of sweetened condensed milk or to your liking
½ cup evaporated milk
cinnamon powder to garnish
Bring to a boil 3 cups of water with a cinnamon stick and to this add one cup of rice, bring back to a boil then simmer until fully cooked, adding hot water if necessary, to avoid burning it to the pot. To this add the condensed milk; about one cup. Then add the evaporated milk or regular milk and bring to a quick boil, then let it sit for a bit before serving.
Mazamorra morada or Purple Corn Pudding
2 cups of the chicha morada brew
extra sugar if necessary
mix of flour and water to thicken it (about 4 to 5 tbsp. of flour)
Bring the chicha morada or purple corn brew to a boil, add sugar if necessary, then add the prunes (about 2 per person), and bring back to a boil then lower the temperature. Add the mix of flour/water to thicken it until it reaches pudding consistency.
Once both desserts are prepared, serve them warm in a dish equal portions of each and lightly sprinkle over the top some powdered cinnamon.

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Author´s page: James M. Wise
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Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
South America seems to refuse to show its inexhaustible creative force.