Cola de Mono a Chilean Christmas Cocktail
Improved Chilean Cola de Mono Christmas Cocktail
We couldn’t let this one pass, a traditional Chilean holiday drink for Christmas. Cola de Mono means the Monkey’s Tail. For those new to Chilean-Spanish the name might come as a surprise. For for those like us, who know about Chilenismos, the name is very Chilean. What we mean is that there is no logical explanation to some names. We lived in Chile for two years. That time has taught us how many names make no sense. For example, some popular Chilean names such as pollo ganso (chicken goose) for a cut of beef meat, or calling teenagers “gallos” meaning roosters, or simplistic plate chanchito (baby pork) for smashed tomato, are commonly used. There is no understanding it.
This Cola de Mono reminds me of an old recipe “Rumrousal” from Marcia Adams’ book Christmas in the Heartland. This old recipe is a Christmas milk punch served either hot or cold. This is how we decided to improve the traditional Cola de Mono, which traditionally is boiled and then chilled. Here in the Colorado winter makes sense to have this Cola de Mono hot making it more enjoyable during these cold nights and not just for Christmas dinner. The Rumrousal or the traditional eggnog are prepared with more than one liqueur. Following the example of these classic Christmas cocktails we are going to make this Improved Cola de Mono with Pisco and bourbon. Instead of having just one liqueur. The bourbon adds that kick- a wake up punch, to this otherwise cafe cortado style concoction. Also in Chile they use instant coffee, here in the United States most households brew fresh coffee and this is what we are preparing the Cola de Mono with.
Cola de Mono is made from milk, pisco, coffee, sugar, and cinnamon. Boiled and chilled. A very simple and a easy cocktail. In Chile, most are probably preparing it with inexpensive Capel Pisco, which is the most widespread of the Chilean piscos in the country. Some people use aguardiente for this drink, not our favorite option, it is really cheap, commonly home-made, hooch. If you have any Chilean pisco use it, otherwise here is how we can improve this old recipe.
Note: the reason why this Cola de Mono recipe calls for heating up the milk is to dissolve the sugar, hence it makes sense to serve it hot. Otherwise you can simply mix the ingredients replacing the sugar for Simple Sugar, blend, and chill. Either way we hope you try this Improved Chilean Cola de Mono from South America to the World.
Hot improved Chilean Cola de Mono
Serves 4
1 cup milk (half and a half, evaporated milk or regular milk)
1 1/2 cup coffee
1/3 cups of sugar plus two tablespoons
1 cup pisco
½ cup bourbon
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
In a medium-sized bowl over medium heat, bring all the ingredients to a boil, stirring constantly to make sure all the sugar gets dissolved. Then taste and adjust to your liking, add more sugar if necessary. Or if you prefer this drink a bit stronger add more Pisco or bourbon to it. Remove the cinnamon stick and cloves, strain if necessary, and serve immediately.

Cold improved Chilean Cola de Mono
Serves 4
1 cup milk (half and half, evaporated milk or regular milk)
1 1/2 cup coffee
1/3 cup simple sugar
1 cup pisco
½ cup bourbon
In a blender combine all the ingredients, and blend until mixture is frothy. Taste and adjust the sweetness and alcohol intake you can always add more bourbon or pisco if you like it stronger. Transfer to a pitcher, cover and chill until serving time.
Serve in medium-size glasses.
Merry Christmas Chilean Style!
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ResearchGate: James M. Wise
Author´s page: James M. Wise
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Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
South America seems to refuse to show its inexhaustible creative force.