Classic Peruvian Cooking is a simple, basic traditional cookbook, nothing fancy to it, no gourmet recipes here. It is an everyday menu including main dishes, desserts and some of them could be served as appetizers. Also being from Huancayo it includes this regional famous dish Pachamanca. Pacha means earth and Manca means pot in the Quechua language. It is adapted for stovetop preparation instead of being made in the ground.
Peruvian food earned international recognition with major metropolitans having restaurants serving this exciting set of flavors representing the coast, mountains, and jungle of South America. Expanding high-end venues and numerous chefs, struggling to present progressive combinations, have dabbled with fusion and experimental tangents. In contrast, we have assembled the classic recipes in this short cookbook on Peruvian food. We present easy to prepare meals that are the mainstream, everyday life, traditional food that spans decades in family and restaurant celebration. Classic Peruvian Cooking is a great way to expand one’s culinary diversity, and I can assure you its just good eating.
This books was made possible thanks to my mom and her recipes that were passed on to me and after several attempts we got something close to the authentic Peruvian kitchen, we found similar ingredients at times and others we just had to replaced them. The intent is to share our Peruvian food with you and invite you to try new recipes from our kitchen to yours.

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