


Classic Peruvian Cooking

Classic Peruvian Cooking is a simple, basic traditional cookbook, nothing fancy to it, no gourmet recipes here. It is an everyday menu including main dishes, desserts and some of them could be served as appetizers.  Also being from Huancayo it includes this regional famous dish Pachamanca. Pacha means earth and Manca means pot in the Quechua language. It is adapted for stovetop preparation instead of being made in the ground. 

 Peruvian food earned international recognition with major metropolitans having restaurants serving this exciting set of flavors representing the coast, mountains, and jungle of South America. Expanding high-end venues and numerous chefs, struggling to present progressive combinations, have dabbled with fusion and experimental tangents. In contrast, we have assembled the classic recipes in this short cookbook on Peruvian food. We present easy to prepare meals that are the mainstream, everyday life, traditional food that spans decades in family and restaurant celebration. Classic Peruvian Cooking is a great way to expand one’s culinary diversity, and I can assure you its just good eating.

This books was made possible thanks to my mom and her recipes that were passed on to me and after several attempts we got something close to the authentic Peruvian kitchen, we found similar ingredients at times and others we just had to replaced them. The intent is to share our Peruvian food with you and invite you to try new recipes from our kitchen to yours.


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An unusual presentation of geology visual puns, coined Geopuns, is of interest for anyone needing a less serious perspective of the geological sciences. Rocks can be fun particularly when stopping to think about how crazy sounding some of the names truly are. Those familiar with the basic terminology in geology will either groan or giggle, and either hate this or love it. The booklet contains 249 black and white concept sketches.

These geopun cartoon sketches transforms what can be a dry technical subject into something rather funny.


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Doors of South America

Doors of South America

Our collection of 300 best door pictures of South America has been a long work in progress, photographing historic doors across nine countries including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay.

What is the attraction of taking door pictures? It’s a combination of visual composition, symmetry, and symbolism. The wide variety of colors, contrasts, and styles by region makes for a dialogue on culture. Many of the doors come from the end of the 19thcentury, some are older. The doors mark security in functionality, and behind many is hospitality. And yet the doors we picture are all closed, leaving us, the onlookers, left outside pondering its significance.

This collection of Doors of South America provides an inventory of styles and designs that may be useful to future generations in understanding regional variations and what patterns are authentic to the continent. We are jazzed to share this large collection!


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Hot Springs of the Andes

Hot Springs of the Andes provides the essential advice on exploring the hidden secrets of natural relaxation. Andean heat engine, volcanoes driving thermal fluids, springs and geysers bubbling in the mountains, from high plateaus to glacial fjords.

GPS coordinates for each hot spring accompany descriptions. Hot springs are placed in the context of the main volcanic zones of the Andes.

Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina; Each  country paints a different cultural experience for enjoying hot springs with many locations having use dating  before the Incas!.

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Field Days in Peru

Field Days in Peru

Experience Peru not as a tourist. Interact with the people, feel the remoteness, beauty, and strive for understanding of the forces that culminated in the uplift of the Andes.

James M. Wise while working on his P.h. D. in Peru describes the feeling of visiting a new country without knowing their language, culture, traditions and still manage to get the job done while learning Spanish.

Field Days in Peru is a Journal writing from over 200 days of fieldwork in Peru while conducting geological mapping. Meeting a peruvian woman and getting married in the Andes.


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Upside Down in Chile

Upside Down in Chile, Yanira K. Wise

Hi there! If you ever wondered how to plan a move to another country and start all over again, getting to know the neighborhoods, finding a school, renting a house, getting familiar with the host country´s holidays, and more this book covers it all, including the different requirements to move to Chile.

Upside down in Chile: Two years living in Santiago gives all the inside information of what really involves to be an expat in Santiago. Each chapter gives different advices in accordance to life events and how to get treats that are exclusive to Chile like curanto, terremoto, paila and barros luco amongst other treats.

This book also provides information about some of the most important places to visit while in Chile, it covers Rapa Nui, Torres del Paine, Isla Magdalena, and more. Chile is a wonderful country with so much to explore and a lots to do, starting with Santiago City. Also as a bonus it includes some Peruvian and Chilean recipes.

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California Roadtrip 395

California Roadtrip 395, James M. Wise

California Roadtrip 395

James M. Wise in this guide book puts the essential beta of eastern Sierra Nedada outdoor trips in on source-whether it is hot springs, mountain biking, rock climbing, exploring historic mining camps, geology, camping, fishing, etc… This is your starting point.

Written from more than 20 years of experience adventuring on the east side, the best day trips are highlighted. This is 395 HWY in one book!

Buy one book instead of twenty.



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Mount Whitney To Yosemite The Geology of the John Muir Trail 

Mount Whitney to Yosemite: the Geology of the John Muir trail, James M. Wise

Mount Whitney To Yosemite The Geology Of The John Muir Trail

A Journey extending 212 miles from the summit of Mount Whitney to Yosemite Valley, written while working on his Master´s degree James M. Wise compiled an admirable goal for any backpacker to achieve, and now described in detail for its geologic history.

With 44 detailed trail maps and 135 figures, the story of the rocks encountered by the trail is revealed in depth as never before.

Maximize your backpacking efforts by understanding all that you can along the trip with this guide!


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Replaced Evolution

James M. Wise
Replaced Evolution

Replaced Evolution: The story’s approach is to push the limits of science fiction, from the defining essence of what it is to be human, the biology of alien life, and the changes possible over thousands of years. Some individuals may witness these revolutions and shifts due to extreme time relativity during interstellar travel, and others may be involved in forcing the changes. The main character of this story does the later, breaking the cycle of nature determined evolution response to environment. Why should technologically advance societies rely on random mutation? It is irresponsible. Eventually all advanced life must grapple with replacing evolution.


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Red metal in the blue planet

Red Metal in the Blue Planet explores the history of copper mining and our outlook for the future use of the metal. The difference between the Stone Age and the current advanced civilization we have today arrived through the extraction and adaptation of copper. Whether it was through the organization of Bronze Age armies using weapons or the sparks being carried through wires to light our homes, the red metal shaped evolution of humankind. This long development from ceramic pots to smelting of metals is reviewed for mining innovations and major contributions provided by copper, which drove exploration of the continents and construction of the cities.

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