Andean Quinoa Cream Soup
This Quinoa Cream Soup is a staple of Andean meal. Up in the Peruvian Andes families will always have fresh milk from their cattle, homemade fresh cheese, potatoes that they grow, and the important quinoa. They should be proud of having such a meal made with their own resources. Fresh food tastes better than stored food, and most of these Andean people cook in a wooden stove giving their food a special flavor.
The fresh cheese I am using in this recipe is from Mexico, and I have to say that it doesn’t have the same flavor as the Andean fresh cheese, but it does the job. You can also add some avocado as a garnish.
Serves (2)
1 cup of cooked quinoa
2 garlic cloves minced
1 tbsp. Olive oil
1 cooked potato cut up in little squares
2 cups of chicken stock
1/3 cup of cream or regular milk
½ cup of fresh cheese crumbled
Salt and pepper to taste
In a medium-size pot over medium heat add the olive oil; add the garlic, and saute until fragrant. Add the chicken stock, the cooked quinoa, and the cut up potato then bring to a boil. Gently mix, add the fresh cheese, and then the cream. If needed add more salt and pepper to taste. Serve with warm bread.

For more Quinoa Recipes check my e-book “10 Authentic Peruvian Quinoa Recipes”

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Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
South America seems to refuse to show its inexhaustible creative force.