28 Geology posts by James M. Wise and a Geopuns booklet
While we are having extra time sitting down at home while on quarantine, we decided to make a compilation of all the geology posts written by James M. Wise. Starting from when we launched our blog back in 2016 to present time. These posts ranged among many topics involving South America; such as Gold in the Andes, minerals from South America countries, such as; Peru and Bolivia. This list includes Salars of the Andes, there is a post on 6,000 meters and above the Andes, and Caves in South America. The famous South America active volcanoes, and big earthquakes in South America.
James also wrote about giants that once roamed in South America as The Milodon and Dinosaurs. And the infallible geology posts on the Andes. There is a post on The Quechua geological monster, and an entire list of South America geology references. And to top this varied list James has a Geopuns book.
Here is the entire list of all 26-geology post for your easy accessibility.
- The Milodón- the Giant Sloths in South America. September 16, 2019
- #Mining #Exploration #Geology. July 15, 2019
- Sands of Chile. February 11, 2019
- Minerals of Bolivia. January 21, 2019
- Andean deformation and uplift: a comparison between geological and geochronological constraints with fission-track exhumation method. August 20, 2018
- Base-metal veins of the Peruvian Andes. July 23, 2018
- Remarkable folded dacitic dikes at Mina Ragra, Peru. May 14, 2018
- The Quechua Geological Monster. March 19, 2018
- 6,000 meters and above in the Andes. February 12, 2018
- Comparison of South and North America historic mining towns. October 9, 2017
- Gold in the Andes. September 7, 2017
- Time of deformation in the Andes- will the real Incaic and Quechua events please stand up? August 26, 2017
- Caves of South America. July 10, 2017
- Candles like Geology. May 22, 2017
- Geometries in Sodium Chloride. April 27, 2017
- Tracking Dinosaurs in South America. April 20, 2017
- It’s not Science without reproducible location. March 13, 2017
- South America geology references. March 18, 2017
- Granito Orbicular of Chile. January 24, 2017
- Salars of the Andes. January 22, 2017
- Big Earthquakes in South America. January 17, 2017
- South America active volcanoes. January 9, 2017
- Peruvian Minerals. December 27, 2016
An unusual presentation of geology visual puns, coined Geopuns, is of interest for anyone needing a less serious perspective of the geological sciences. Rocks can be fun particularly when stopping to think about how crazy sounding some of the names truly are. Those familiar with the basic terminology in geology will either groan or giggle, and either hate this or love it. The booklet contains 249 black and white concept sketches.
These geopun cartoon sketches transforms what can be a dry technical subject into something rather funny.

Do connect with us:
ResearchGate: James M. Wise
Author´s page: James M. Wise
Photography page: JamesM.Wise.com
Author´s page: Yanira K. Wise
South America seems to refuse to show its inexhaustible creative force.